TPS - The Poet Speaking
In what could be called the Progressive Age of the West there has been an increasing tendency to focus on particular issues and lose the big picture.
This is especially true of economics, politics, religion and the arts, where many false prophets claim to know the truth and act as arbiters of public opinion. Their urge to impose a particular viewpoint has gathered increasing momentum and is leading to a narrowing down of perspective which all too quickly becomes the familiar breeding ground for factions and internecine disputes.
The effect of Political Correctness has been to stultify expression, liberty and free speech. It has certainly captured the ruling elite. And whether we like it or not, we are all personally affected - intellectually and emotionally. With its distorted, bureaucratic and legalistic creed of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity, our Western society is ready to fall apart. What was thought to be constructive and creative is rapidly proving to be destructive.
The time is ripe, therefore, for a new template of thought to replace the prosaic dullness so prevalent in present day politics and religious belief. The poetic spirit must be allowed to return. And return it will.
The word poetic is from the Greek word poiesis, and means any creative act that produces something that hasn't been done before. In other words, it represents originality. We need original ideas to restore a tired society- beginning with philosophy, literature and the arts.
That is what The Poet Speaking stands for.